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MAKI UEDA Early Smell Art

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Early Maki Ueda includes “Room of Geisha” and “Room of the Head of The Dutch VOC” 2009 De Lakenhal Stedelijk Museum Leiden.

These works were basically rooms where the smell, and sometimes performance, of two environments are constructed by the artist. These are based on 17th Century rooms in Japan and could arguably be also trips in time.

The artist encourages touch and participation in the environments.

Cosmetics used by the geisha 400 years (recreated by the artist) ago are available to smell as well as coffee and tobacco. These are deployed using a “head in the box” technique.

Ueda has gone on to more and more things. I will explore them as time allows. In the meantime, the artist’s website provides a record of a massive body of work in using smell in art.

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