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Manifesto of Tactilism


by F.T. Marinetti

Milan, 11 January 1921.

Read at the Theatre de I'Oeuvre (Paris), the World

Exposition of Modern Art (Geneva), and published

inComoedia in January 1921

Futurism, founded by us in Milan in 1909, gave to the

world a hatred of the Museum, the Academy and

Sentimentalism; it gave the world Action-Art, the

defence of youth against all senility, the

glorification of illogical and mad innovative genius,

the artistic sensibility of mechanisation, of speed,

of the music hall, and of the simultaneous

interpenetration of modern life, words in freedom,

plastic dynamism, noise-intoners, synthetic theatre.

Futurism today redoubles its creative effort.

Last summer, at Antignano, where the street named

after Amerigo Vespucci, discoverer of America,

curvingly coasts along the sea, I invented Tactilism.

Red flags waved from the workshops taken over by the


I was naked in the silky water that was torn by rocks,

foamy scissors knives razors, among the iodine-filled

mattresses of seaweed. I was nude in the sea of

flexible steel, which had a fertile and virile

breathing. I drank from the goblet of the sea filled

to the rim with genius. The sun, with its long

roasting flames, vulcanised my body and bolted the

keel of my forehead rich with sails. A working-class

boy, Who smelled of salt and hot stone, looked,

smiling, at my first tactile board:

"Having fun making little boats?!"

I answered: "Yes, I'm building a craft that will take

the human spirit to unknown waters." Here are my

reflections, the reflections of a swimmer: The

unrefined and elemental majority of men came out of

the Great War concerned only to conquer a greater

material well-being. The minority, composed of artists

and thinkers, sensitive and refined, instead displays

the symptoms of a deep and mysterious ill that is

probably a consequence of the great tragic exertion

that the war imposed on humanity.

This illness displays, as symptoms, a sad

listlessness, an excessively feminine neurasthenia, a

hopeless pessimism, a feverish indecision of lost

instincts, and an absolute lack of will.

The rough and elemental majority of men tumultuously

hurls toward the revolutionary conquest of the

Communist paradise and definitively storms the problem

of happiness, convinced that it has solved it by

satisfying all material needs and appetites.

The intellectual minority ironically scorns this

breathless attempt, and no longer enjoying the ancient

pleasures of Religion, of Art, of Love, which

previously constituted its privilege and its shelter,

brings life, which it no longer knows how to enjoy, to

a cruel trial, and abandons itself to refined

pessimism, sexual inversions, and to the artificial

paradises of cocaine, opium, ether, etc. That majority

and this minority both denounce Progress,

Civilisation, the mechanical powers of Speed, of

Comfort, of Hygiene, Futurism in short, as being

responsible for their past, present, and future


Almost everyone proposes a return to a savage life,

contemplative, slow, solitary, far from the hated


As for us Futurists, we who bravely face the agonising

drama of the post-war period, we are in favour of all

the revolutionary attacks that the majority will

attempt. But, to the minority of artists and thinkers,

we yell at the top of our lungs: Life is always right!

The artificial paradises with which you attempt to

murder her are useless. Stop dreaming of an absurd

return to the savage life. Beware of condemning the

superior powers of society and the marvels of speed.

Heal, rather, the illness of the post-war period,

giving humanity new and nutritious joys. Instead of

destroying human throngs, it is necessary to perfect

them. Intensify the communication and the fusion of

human beings. Destroy the distances and the barriers

that separate them in love and friendship. Give

fullness and total beauty to these two essential

manifestations of life: Love and Friendship.

In my careful and anti-traditional observations of all

the erotic and sentimental phenomena that unite both

sexes, and of the no-less-complex phenomena of

friendship, I have understood that human beings speak

to each other with their mouths and with their eyes,

but do not manage a true sincerity because of the lack

of sensitivity of the skin, which is still a mediocre

conductor of thought.

While eyes and voices communicate their essences, the

senses of touch of two individuals communicate almost

nothing in their clashes, intertwining, or rubbing.

Thus, the need to transform the handshake, the kiss,

and the coupling into continuous transmissions of


I started by submitting my sense of touch to an

intensive treatment, pinpointing the confused

phenomena of will and thought on various points on my

2body, and especially on the palms of my hands. This

training is slow but easy, and all healthy bodies can,

through this training, give surprising and exact


On the other hand, unhealthy sensibilities, which draw

their excitability and their apparent perfection from

the very weakness of the body, will achieve great

tactile power less easily, without duration or

confidence. I have created a first educational scale

of touch, which is, at the same time, a scale of

tactile values for Tactilism, or the Art of Touch.

First scale, level, with four different categories of


First category: extremely confident touch, abstract,



Silver-coated paper.

Second category: touch without heat, persuasive,


Smooth silk,

Silk crepe.

Third category: exciting, lukewarm, nostalgic.


Wool from the Pyrenees,


Silk-wool crepe.

Fourth category: almost irritating, hot, determined.

Granulous silk,

Plaited silk,

Spongy cloth.

Second scale, volumes

Fifth category: soft, hot, human.


Horsehair or dog hair,

Human hair,


Sixth category: hot, sensual, spirited, affectionate.

This category has two branches:

Rough iron

Soft brush,


Wire brush,


Human or peach fuzz,

Bird down.

Through this separation of tactile values, I have


1. Simple tactile boards that I will present to the

public in our contactilations or conferences on the

Art of touch.

I have arranged the previously catalogued tactile

values in wise harmonic or antithetical combinations.

2. Abstract or suggestive tactile boards (hand


These tactile boards have arrangements of tactile

values that allow hands to wander over them, following

coloured trails and experiencing a succession of

suggestive sensations, whose rhythm, in turn languid,

cadenced, or tumultuous, is regulated by exact


One of these abstract tactile boards made by me, and

that has as a title Sudan-Paris, contains, in the part

representing Sudan, rough, greasy coarse, prickly,

burning tactile values (spongy material, sponge,

sandpaper, wool, brush, wire brush); in the part

representing The Sea, there are slippery, metallic,

fresh tactile values (silver-coated paper); in the

part representing Paris, there are soft, delicate,

caressing tactile values, hot and cold at the same

time (silk, velvet, feathers, down).

3. Tactile boards for the opposite sexes.

In these tactile boards, the arrangement of tactile

values allows the hands of a man and a woman, tied

together, to take a tactile journey together and

evaluate it. These tactile boards are extremely

varied, and the pleasure that they give is enriched by

the harnessing of rival sensibilities, which will

attempt to feel more acutely and better explain their

rival sensations. These tactile boards are destined to

replace the brutalising game of chess.

4. Tactile pillows.

5. Tactile sofas.

6. Tactile beds.

7. Tactile shirts and dresses.

8. Tactile rooms.

In these tactile rooms, we will have floors and walls

made of large tactile boards. Tactile values of

mirrors, running water, rocks, metals, brushes,

lightly electrified wires, marble, velvet, rugs that

will give the bare feet of the male and female dancers

varied pleasures.

9. Tactile streets.

10. Tactile theatres.

We will have theatres arranged for Tactilism. Seated

spectators will rest their hands on long, running

tactile ribbons that will produce tactile sensations

with different rhythms. It will also be possible to

place these ribbons on small rotating wheels,

accompanying them with music and light.

11. Tactile boards for the improvisation of words in


The tactilist will express aloud the sensations that

his hands' journey transmits to him. His will be a

free-word improvisation, that is, freed from all

rhythm, prosody and syntax, an improvisation essential

and synthetic and with as little of the human element

as possible. The improvising tactilist may be

blindfolded, but it is preferable to wrap him in the

light of a projector. The new initiates, who have not

yet trained their tactile sensibilities, will be

blindfolded. But, as for the true tactilists, the full

light of a projector is preferable, since darkness has

the drawback of concentrating sensitivity into an

excessive abstraction.

The education of the sense of touch.

1. It will be necessary to keep the hands gloved for

many days, during which the brain will attempt to

condense in them the desire for varied tactile


2. To swim underwater, in the ocean, trying to

distinguish tactilely the plaited currents and

different temperatures.

3. Enumerate and recognise every evening, in absolute

darkness, all of the objects in the bedroom. It was

precisely with giving myself over to this exercise in

the underground darkness of a trench in Gorizia, in

1917, that I made my first tactile experiments.

I never claimed to have invented the tactile

sensibility, which has already manifested itself in

genial forms in the Jongleuse and in the Hors~nature

of Rachilde. Other writers and artists had

premonitions of tactilism. Moreover, the plastic art

of tactilism has been in existence for a long time. My

great friend Boccioni, futurist painter and sculptor,

felt as a tactilist when he created, in 1919, his

plastic ensemble Fusion of a Head and a Window, with

materials that are absolute contraries in tactile

weight and value: iron, porcelain, and women's hair.

The Tactilism created by me is clearly distinct from

the plastic arts. It has nothing to do with, nothing

to gain from, and everything to lose by association

with painting or sculpture. It is necessary to avoid,

as much as possible in the tactile boards, a variety

in colour, which lends itself to plastic impressions.

It will be difficult for painters and sculptors, who

tend naturally to subordinate tactile values to visual

values, to create significant tactile boards.

Tactilism seems to me particularly suited to young

poets, pianists, typists, and to all erotic, refined,

and potent temperaments.

Tactilism, nevertheless, must avoid not only

collaboration with plastic arts but also morbid

erotomania. It must, simply, have as a goal tactile

harmony, and it must indirectly collaborate in the

perfecting of spiritual communication between human

beings through the epidermis.

The identification of five senses is arbitrary, and

one day we will certainly discover and catalogue

numerous other senses. Tactilism will contribute to

this discovery.

F. T. Marinetti Here's the Wiki link to Filippo. He was a bit of a fascist which gives an insight into his head and dissapoints. 100 years dead in December 2024.

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