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About Arnie

Lots of ideas but not taking things too seriously

Arnie was an architect, indeed president of the RIAS when in 2009 he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. (As opposed to actually being drunk the whole time as most people must have thought).  A second extraction in 2010 led to some cognitive problems and a bit of trouble with coordination and his right hand .

Campbell and Arnott (his firm) was dissolved and all went in their separate directions.

Arnie was not able to work on as a company director and architect but found work as a project manager for several projects until he finally retired.


Rehabilitation and the need to express himself led to deep involvement with the dogs (Coco then Teddy and Asta), the garden and the "music"/noise.

The idea behind the site is the feeling that architecture is a bit out of step with art and all the tools available to art and architecture are not fully used by the artists and not expected or asked for by society.

This is a picture of a part of my garden with a palm tree, bamboo and some lantern lights

The Moral of My Story

While most people would say that getting a brain tumour and losing your business is really about as bad as it gets.  If I was given the choice knowing what I know now, I would take the brain tumour!  Life was work work work as an architect with a large range of behaviours to manage and suck up.  I met many others with meningiomas and realise the size location and pace of mine were good.  Many others are not so lucky.

So I've been very lucky and think I might still have ideas to give. 

Meet Arnie

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